With Grateful Appreciation to the Following...
His Excellency, the Most Reverend Peter Jugis, and the priests and seminarian pictured, for the use of their photos
Very Reverend Herbert T. Burke, V.F. - Our spiritual director, for his ongoing prayers and guidance
Reverend Chris - Our dear friend who first encouraged this endeavor and named us nearly 20 years ago!
Mr. Dan Souza - Our amazing webmaster / IT / technical advisor
Ms. Karen Ambrose, Mrs. Joanne A., James and "Preacher" - For year round editing, reviewing, prayers, and encouragement
To God's Generous People for Their Help with the Adopt-a-Seminarian Ministry...
Mrs. Lainie Lord, Charlotte Diocese Vocations Office
Dr. Julia Saluke - Coordinator of our annual Adopt-a-Seminarian booth at the Eucharistic Congress
Dr. Gary Scott and his wife, Laurie - parents of seminarian Andrew Scott & Adopt-a-Seminarian Booth Coordinator
Mrs. Lissette Yellico and her husband Glenn - parents of seminarian Joseph
Dr. Theresa Isibor, Columbiettes - President,
St. James the Greater
Catholic Church Chapter
Mrs. Anh Vu - Booth Volunteer
Mrs. Lissette Westover - Spanish Translation
Mrs. Nancy Richards, R.N.
Mr. Jeff Templeton and his wife Lonikay - parents of seminarian Andrew Templeton
The seminarians and seminary rectors who have provided information for our Adoption Guide
And with Gratitude for the Following of Our Print, Photos, Video and Other Media:
- Il permesso di inserire un'immagine del Servo di Dio
Candido Amantini, La Postulazione generale, Scala Santa, Roma
- Mrs. Patricia Guilfoyle, Editor, Catholic News Herald
- Vatican Media - Photos of Pope Benedict, used with the kind permission of Servizio Fotografico
- Ms. SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald Senior Reporter & Photographer, for photos of our seminarians
- Mr. John Cosmas, Catholic News Herald Freelance Photographer - For all other priest photos
- Anon. - Photos of 2 priests processing in red stoles, 2 priests side by side smiling
- Anon. - Photos of Priest in front of crucifix, 1st priest on Adoption page
- Archdiocese for the Military, SALUTE Magazine
- Ben Travis and his team at Copy Express in Charlotte, NC (https://www.mycopyexpress.com/) for the great job of printing our Adoption Certificates, Adoption Guides, and Prayer Cards - always with friendly service, flexibility, and lightning speed!